Sunday, October 31
This morning we went to church and came home for coffee (and anzac cookies... mmm.)
My Cousin Luke and his friend Sarah came over for lunch. My Aunt made a yummy Thanksgivingish-type meal which was wonderful! We sat around the table forever just talking. Actually, since Luke is into music and graphics, he and Hans sat talking while Sarah and I just nodded.
Later Hans & I took a walk down to the yacht club and sat on the rocks on the shore to chit-chat for a while. I still can't believe how beautiful that spot is. It's etched in my memory forever, but I can't wait to go back!
We got back just as they were going to leave for evening church, so we watched some Invader Zim ("I made mashed potatoes!") and played piano. Fun fun.
After dinner we played some more Kuuduk, and I think that the adults even got in on it this time. Overall just a wonderfully lazy day with family.
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