Monday, November 22, 2004

Steve is no longer allowed to question my musical taste. He admits that "KountrylGentleman" is catchy.

Sunday, October 24 /

Starting today, I quit taking as good of notes about what we did and my picture-taking got less and less too. Oops.

But we went to the mall to get my photos developed. I picked up cds of Bic Runga, Fast Crew, and that other group I can't remember.I also got my greenstone necklace I had been wanting, and I had my first lamb kebab experience.

We had wonderful conversation over great food (more kumara, cheese bread, and beef & béarnaise pizza) at One Red Dog. (T, you have no idea how much that dinner meant to me in the coming days and weeks!)

Caught the praise & worship at CCC before we had to head to the airport. It was so hard to leave. I almost didn't. I had such a wonderful time, and I was so nervous about going to Brisbane. Thanks again, for everything, Tash. I'll be back!

I had two empty seats next to me on the flight, so I slept. We landed in Brisbane at 11:45 pm. Did the whole customs thing.

I was nervous about traveling alone, because you come out into this crowd of people... and everyone is looking for their people, and it's so awkward looking if you don't see them right away. Yes, I'm stupid for thinking so hard about such things. Especially when I didn't have to worry about that at all. As soon as I rounded the corner, Fiona quite literally screamed and ran over to me. She, Phil, Hans & Chris were all there waiting for me to arrive. Yay!

We (sans Chris) went to the valley for coffee and conversation. Then we went back to Phil & Fi's and looked at pictures and finally went to bed at who-knows-what hour.

There was a gigantic moth in my room. Mottephobia. Enough said.


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