Friday, June 23, 2006

Powdered Cheese Recipe Please
How difficult do you think it would be for Kraft to make their powdered cheese substitute taste the same in two different countries? Maybe it has nothing to do with Kraft, and it has to do with the milk and butter I add to it. But with that said, Mac'n'Cheese here is nothing to write home about. I know we're talking about Macaroni and Cheese, a food one is supposed to quit eating after the age of twelve... but Jack would definitely be disappointed.

Missed Post
I just realized that I made my last post a draft because I meant to upload some pictures to go with it. It was all about our fun weekend in the mountains at the wineries and hiking and all that. But the pictures still aren't up, so neither is it.

Today I'm busy editing together the footage that we shot. I think we could be reality television stars. Well, if I ever get it finished. I'm learning Premiere Pro 2, but I might switch to Avid... and if all else fails, we'll give Vegas a try. But I'd rather take a little time to learn the hard ones. Ahh the perks of having a hubby who works for a production company.

I'll youtube it if it turns out good. I have a feeling we'll be the only ones who think it's funny... but, dang, is it funny to us!


Jun 23 2006, 12:35 am

dang gammit .. i can just imagine that it is hilarious. if you get a chance... got to and watch the japanese video there..
that's hilarious too. painful and awkward, but hilarious.

3:31 PM  

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