Friday, February 10, 2006

Most Missed Foods (for this week)
In no particular order...
  • Diet Dr. Pepper -- Though my angelic friend here managed to get me two whole cases from Melbourne for my birthday! I was rationing, but I drank the last one last night. *sniff*

  • Totinos Pizza Rolls -- I know, I know... I'm 29. I should have more refined tastes by now. But seriously, there are days when I would donate a kidney for a bag of these frozen delights. I dream about Totinos Party Pizzas in all their 99-cent goodness too, but not nearly as often as the rolls.

  • Butternut Squash Soup & Chinois Chicken Salad from Wolfgang Puck's. Ugh. Divine. But bless Wolfgang, he has his recipes online. (Now if I could only get up the drive to make them... the soup, the salad.)

Grocery Funnies

It's a wonder why this Wonka-brand candy never took off in the States.

Okay, so this was extremely funny to us, besides the obvious humor. For some reason the other day, we were all talking about hair-removal techniques. I think it started with a story of a bad epilady experience or something. But the topic changed to the unfortunately-named Nads product.

We decided to come up with some mock packaging for a convenient travel-sized kit called "On the Go -- Nads!". What's even better is we could now have "On the Go -- Nads: For Men!".

Ugh, I know. Somedays it's like we are a household of 13-year-olds.


Feb 10 2006, 03:06 pm

Almost spurted sweet tea on the computer screen. I'm still trying to teach Rachel to say Gonads, just for fun. She cracks up when I say it like she knows it's dirty - Jack's child.

You crack me up.

8:55 PM  

Feb 12 2006, 03:41 am

remind me to explain the 'bran muffin' to you one day... it defies belief. I invite speculation!!

8:55 PM  

Feb 13 2006, 09:33 am

hey, dear! i just wanted to tell you that when i was at target yesterday, there was a lady with a little table giving out coupons for free four-packs of diet dr. pepper...regular or cherry vanilla...and i don't normally drink the diet stuff...but i told her that i have a friend who's living in australia and CAN'T have i'd better take some, in honor of her. yeah...i was thinking of you. :)

8:55 PM  

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