Monday, October 17, 2005

Hey You! Yeah, You in the Glass House...
Apparently I'm not posting enough.

Tiny Music
I thought I'd share the joy of some music that I've discovered since coming here. And maybe you've all heard these over there too, but because I have no concept of what's going on in the music world over there anymore, I'll just give these to you anyway.

~ James Blunt: When I heard this in the background at Hans' office, I first thought it was Angie Aparo. Turns out it's not. His song "You're Beautiful" is pretty catchy. (See the video here) And he has a myspace if you just want to hear the song.

~ Eskimo Joe: Another band that could pass as someone else. When Alyda first played this authentic Aussie band, I thought it was Remy Zero. Since then I seem to be hearing them everywhere. Their myspace has a nice sampling for you.

~ Sarah Blasko: I don't know who to compare her to except Awesome. Well, if I had to, I might say beautiful Bic Runga, but that might be a stretch? She has a myspace too.

Lost in Translation
bottle shop (bot-ell shop)
n. liquor store, wine seller
"The hardware store is on the other side of the bottle shop."

Happy Days
Today was a really good day. Heard the voice of Manda (the Pampered PornChef dealer -- yes, Leslie, I saw that!) yesterday. IM'd with Mom, Sis, Tash and Steve today. Had really good sushi and edemame for lunch. Met Hans' boss' wife and their brand new baby boy today... cute! And yeah, was just happy in general, a feeling that almost felt like a stranger to me after three and a half weeks of funk, not to mention however long the stress went on before I actually got here.

Question of the Day
This is for anyone, but I've got my money on Barry for the definitive answer... was Gershwin's "I Got Rhythm" in a musical? I swear I can picture it, but upon a half-hearted google search, I now question whether I made that up completely.


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