Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I Want to Ride My Bicycle, Bicycle
If you are from Iowa and/or a bicyclist, you know what RAGBRAI is. (Unless you're Steve.) For those not in the know, that's the Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa. The idea is to ride from the Missouri River to the Mississippi River.

So anyway, this year's ride started yesterday just south of here. The riders were routed through my sister's town, so I saw a bunch of riders when I went to pick up my nephew last night.

Tragically, one of the cyclists was killed last night as a giant storm rolled through the area and caused a branch to fall on his tent where he was camped for the night.

One More Try
Five days until our first full family vacation in... I'm going with -- 15 years. The last family vacation I remember involved my sister getting hit by a falling rock at Seven Falls, and the overall tone for the 13-hour drive back home was "sucky". This time we have four additional members of the family, and we're only venturing 2.5 hours away. Who will crack first? This is the question.

Deep Thoughts by Steve Handy
"Dani & Hans: separated by an ocean, some land, and sharks. It's like 'yeah, i can handle the ocean and the land... but the sharks? hmm i don't know about that.'"

The 28-and-Living-With-Our-Parents-Again Club
I think we're about to get a new member. I just got an email from one of my girlfriends from high school that said she is coming back to town for a few months until she goes back to Venezuela. Yesssss.


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