~ The Magician's Nephew - C.S. Lewis
Check out the two sneak peak featurettes on the movie Narnia:
WETA Featurette
Featurette - Director

Bryson Lovers
There was a BBC article on Bill Bryson yesterday telling how he won an award for science writing for his book A Short History of Nearly Everything, which I have been attempting to finish for a good 10 months now. It's good; I just haven't committed to reading much when I'm home lately, and it's such a huge book to pack when I'm traveling.
I Feel Like Poo
This could be explained several ways...
1. I made the mistake of going to bed, and then getting up again when Manda came through town. Two half-nights' sleep does not a full night's make.
2. I hadn't a single drip of caffeine in my body yesterday. One might suggest that my splitting headache today is an indication of some sort of addiction on my part. But to that I say, I brush my teeth everyday too, does that make me addicted to toothpaste? I think not. It's just good for me. So is my morning coffee. Thank you.
3. It's the Ides of March. Beware.
Plastic Balls - a space-age version of Breakout. (via Damian via Bill)
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