Sunday, January 30, 2005

Comparing Logos of the Candidates. Everyone else has probably seen this already, but I found it to be quite funny. "The Democratic party could not afford a graphic designer?"

I saw someone link to, where they are selling blue bracelets (à la the Lance Armstrong yellow ones) so people can show off that they voted democratic at the last election.

But wait, you voted republican? Don't worry, the same company is willing to take your money (and donate it?) over at

Hold on, screw them republocrats and demicans you say? Never fear... will take care of all your bracelet wearing needs.

I think that leaves orange, purple, and brown up for grabs, people. (I'm sure the Breast Cancer Foundation has some sort of claim on pink already.) Invent a cause and make your bracelet money before someone else does.

Song for the Day
I'm Nuthin'
- Ethan Hawke
~I ain't left, I ain't right, people say I'm wrong
Before I was born, oh that was all gone
Don't even make sense that I wrote this song, oh
Cause me, you see, I'm nuthin'~


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