Friday, January 07, 2005

Little Victories
Strange. I never imagined that one day I would be celebrating the fact that my 23-year-old brother can write the entire alphabet without help.

When asked to write the names of our family members, he was able to do it with a few spelling issues. However, for my name he wrote "Danielle!!!!", and he added the exclamation points on our sister's name too.

Revenge of the Infomercial
Due to my messed up sleep schedule, I happen to catch a lot of informercials. One that really bothers me lately is the one for Bare Minerals. Nothing is necessarily wrong with the product (although I endorse Arbonne), however it is the make-up application by one of the ladies on there that makes me crazy.

Please tell me someone else has seen it. (If not, here is the viewing schedule.) There is one lady who is putting on eye shadow, and then proceeds to draw a powdered line of shadow right over the bridge of her nose. Is that NORMAL??

I don't claim to be on the cutting edge of fashion or anything. I like to think that my hipness lies in my unhipness. However, I was never made aware of this line'o'shadow-between-the-eyes thing. Honestly, I think it makes the lady look a bit like a trekkie or something... but hey, to each her own.

Basic Facekick Elemental
(That has nothing to do with what I'm about to write, but it's stuck in my head today. Anyone who can name that tune without google's help is as cool as me.)

Project Runway was great last night. Poor Vanessa. Yes, you effed it up.

And, I accidentally saw caught the Flay vs. Sakai: Trout Battle on Iron Chef America. And yes, I stayed up until 3 to see the end. I really wish more of you would consider watching this so that I don't have to feel like such a geek.


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