Saturday, October 09, 2004

Public Service Announcement
To Whom It May Concern:

I noticed you found this site by searching for "Me+&+Bobby+McGee+karaoke". I think I speak for the rest of the world when I say that no one wants to hear you sing that song unless your name is Kris Kristopherson or Janis Joplin, and even then... I think it's been done enough. Just say no.

Thank you.

More PSA
One adult tick can lay from 1000-3000 eggs. Ahem.

Waste of an Afternoon
Let's see. This afternoon I went to get Chinese food for the office. Disappointing, I must say. Then we spent 15 minutes listening to the Real Men of Genius Bud Light commercials looking for one in particular. Then Bossman went home to watch baseball. I need to go pick up my watch from the jeweler and then get my rental car. Motivation level is extremely low today.

That's all I have.


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