Thursday, September 02, 2004

The Secret Adventures of Mr. T... not quite as good as Star Warz: Crapisode I, and we all know what I think about that.

Listen for the last week and a half, I've been sick to death of people. I wasn't in the mood to deal. In the words of those popstars we know and love, "get over yourself, goodbye." So if I've been withdrawn, feisty or otherwise not myself, sorry... it probably wasn't your fault. I don't know if I'm over it yet, but last night didn't help.

Lunchtime Poll
Erin's Random Tuesday Question...
If you were a box of Band-Aids, what design would you be?
Funny how some things remain vivid in the memory for no apparent reason. My paternal grandfather died 16 years ago last week. The last memory I have of him was visiting him in the hospital after he had a chemo treatment. I was sitting on the arm of his chair, and he showed me his Snoopy bandaid.

Can't Stop the Rock
After I got home from work, I remembered that Jesse was playing in town tonight. So I got back in the car and headed up there. I'm glad I did. He looked happier this time, but maybe it's because of the new guitar. Got to see his family again too. His mom is excited about my trip and ordered me to give everyone her love. Yay.


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