Thursday, September 09, 2004

Check this out! That's Darren under the frosting! I'm going to have to track down that issue.

Wax On, Wax Off
Last night I caught a little bit of the end of Growing up Gotti. (This time I have to give Paris Hilton a little credit, because I didn't know who the crap they were either.) I spent the entire time fascinated by how the sons sound exactly like the Karate Kid.

Thought for the Day
I really hope that chiggers play an important role in the ecosystem. It would make my suffering a little more bearable. Pass the calamine.

Thought for the Day: Part 2
I think the people I know and love need to move away from Florida. Yeah, sure it's a beautiful sunny paradise... but so was Atlantis.

Instead of people asking "where were you when Kennedy was shot?" or "where were you when the Challenger exploded?", people are soon going to be asking "where were you when Florida broke off the continental U.S. and sunk to the miry depths of the ocean?"


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