Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Uhh... We're Not Together Together
Sunday night I brought a colleague/client/friend/person to Macaroni Grill to get dinner after his flight came in. After we were seated, a waitress came over to our table and said, "I just have to say that you two look so cute. I saw you walk in, and I just had to tell you that."

Both being extremely laid-back, it was downplayed pretty easily. And we were lookin' pretty good, if I do say so... but isn't that a faux pas right up there with asking a woman if she is expecting? You just don't do that unless you know for sure.

Olympics Moments
-- Go dude from Iowa State! Woohoo!
-- that irish protester guy messing with the marathon just really makes me a bit angry. I mean, it's one thing to Soy Bomb the MTV awards, but it's another thing to screw with someone who has spent years training for this opportunity of a lifetime. That's shattering a dream, and it just brings rudeness to a whole other level. And though the Brazilian runner displayed an incredible attitude of sportsmanship, I hope he wins the appeal.

Take It From Me
Bossman's wife gave me a bouquet of stargazer lilies. (Probably the sweetest smelling flower in the world.) The deal is that the pollen from those things stains like a mother. So as the blooms have been opening, I've been cutting the anthers out.

Tonight they fell into the sink as I was popping them off, and I learned quickly that they will stain your sink highlighter yellow. So just make a point of not doing that unless you feel like scrubbing for a while.

Congratulations to Manda!
Soon she is going to be in family photo albums across America... as Princess Fiona at Universal Studios. Yay!

Speaking of Yay... I got my passport today. Woohoo!


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