Saturday, August 21, 2004

Stick It Where the Sun Don't Shine
'Sticking the Landing' Vaults Us All to a Better Way of Life: I [heart] this article. Oh my gosh.
Yesterday I filed my column and instead of sending my usual wimpy in-house e-mail alerting my editor that my story's ready, here's what I did:

I jumped into her office (careful to keep both feet together upon landing, no wobbling), arched my back, thrust my arms in the air and smiled. Then I turned to face the copy desk and repeated the maneuver.
Reminds me of watching the '96 Olympic Games. Shane was the king of sticking it. Good times.

Commentator Hater
Am I going to have to be the one to start the Al Trautwig and Tim Daggett Hate Club? Honestly. They are the most obnoxious gymnastics commentators. The chick Elfi is tolerable. The men... ugh. I just want to yell "shhhhhhh" at my television. USA Today scolds them in the last paragraph.

And speaking of gymnastics, is it me or does the music for the floor exercises sound like midi to anyone else?

Happiness is...
... the mystery artist is up at The first two don't sound as great at the lower quality, but it's all about reset.

Ding Ding Ding
Let's talk about how often I leave the lights on in my car.

All. The. Time.

It's not my fault, mind you. Over the past few months, the little ding-ding (you know, the one that indicates a door is ajar or the lights are on or my seatbelt has yet to be fastened) has decrescendoed to a nearly inaudible level for some reason. I have never had a car that shuts its own lights off, so like Pavlov's dog, I rely on the bell.

I think it's time to invest in some jumper cables.

Today's Random Link That's Not in the Sidebar
YCD@W: I mean, he's rocking to Rusted Root, for Pete's sake.

For the Record
I'd just like to state that I try to only use my powers for good... or for awesome.


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