Thursday, August 05, 2004

Happiness is...
...knowing someone who will go see The Village and Anchorman with me... on the same night. Nothing like a little double-header.

With so many people dogging The Village, I'm trying to figure out why I didn't hate it. I guess I wasn't watching to be analytical... for once. It was what I wanted it to be. I didn't come with certain expectations and spend the whole time trying to look for clues to the inevitable twists. (Side note: A woman in the bathroom said my hair looks like Ivy's... it was a curly day.)

And as for Anchorman... oh my. The part at the beginning with the question mark on the teleprompter killed me. I'm giggling even now just thinking about it.

Busted Tees... "without Me, it's just Aweso"

Over Here, Over Hair
In other hair news, I've found that women are 95% more likely to notice a major change in hair style. Well, maybe not. Men are likely to notice there's a change, but not likely to know what it is.

Last night I ran to the studio (mastering should be done today -- woohoo), and Tedd says, "Your hair. Is it longer?" Yeah, no. Try 10 inches shorter. Linkin Park is a rollercoaster.


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