Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Highway to Heaven
I had seen this elsewhere, but only stopped to try it at The Mommy Blog. Lo, though I drive through the valley of depression... I will fear no evil.

Kathedral Highway
Lake Love4
Tower of Commitment23
Contentment Meadows41
Family Farm144
Valley of Depression330
Please Drive Carefully
Where are you on the highway of life?

I read an interesting article someone wrote about their observations of Cornerstone this year. Having only subjected myself to one (extraordinarily hot) day of it a few years ago, I can't really add much except to say that I would tend to agree.

Why Must I be Surrounded by Frickin' Idiots?
Just so you know, we spent no less than ten minutes during staff meeting debating whether there are two or three Austin Powers movies. I think this calls for a Friday Afternoon Office Movie Marathon.

I <3 the 90's
I really do. Only now I have Sinead O'Conner stuck in my head.

Am I the only one who has watched the entire second season of The Surreal Life on VH1 in one sitting... twice?


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