Thursday, June 10, 2004

Tut tut, it looks like rain.

I have something to say... later.

Holy Crap. Lions!
In the meantime... huge thanks to Manda for showing me this little Kenya cartoon and getting that stupid song stuck in my head.

While supplies last... get your very own Copper-coated cicada-shell lapel pin with stunning green patina. Someone offered to get one for me. But you see, just like when my old boss was going to buy me a ticket to a Michael Bolton concert... these things are not rewards.

10 9.5 9.5 9 9.5 10
After reading Cleolinda's Harry Potter & the Prizoner of Azkaban in Fifteen Minutes, I decided that JK Rowling must be a figure-skating fan. Can't you just hear it? "Up next we have Viktor Patronus, and we'll be watching for his triple-salchow/triple toe-loop combination."


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