Friday, June 11, 2004

Happy Birthday, Hanna!

Now is the New Later
So yesterday Leslie and Manda, the two Floridian hotties, sent in their photos to The View for the look-like-a-celebrity makeover. This is funny for multiple reasons, most of which you probably need to know at least Manda personally to agree. (She was the one who made a video audition for The Amazing Race and never sent it in, etc.) My immediate thought was that I could have a lot of fun with this and totally mess with them... something like Leslie's casting call last year. However, I refrained.

But would you believe Manda got picked?? What in the world? That doesn't happen to real people! Haven't heard if Leslie has heard back or not. Craziness.

So be sure to watch The View on Tuesday the 22nd, because Manda's going to be looking a lot more like Kirsten Dunst. Low quality, but sometimes you just need something else to listen to at work. I find it helpful if it's a movie you've already seen. Otherwise you're going on sound effects alone during the non-dialgue parts. They've got a zillion movies (a good chance to catch up on director commentaries) and even some television shows -- including Seinfeld, Saved by the Bell, The Simpsons and Futurama. (See the whole playlist)

Cellphone Etiquette 101
If you are in a place where ordinarily you wouldn't speak above a low whisper, and due to some serious emergency, you are forced to be on your cellphone... do not speak at a volume level above a low whisper.

Such places include, but are not limited to:

▪ Libraries
▪ Houses of worship
▪ Funeral homes
▪ Hospital hallways
▪ Elevators
▪ the back of Barnes & Noble where people are trying to read... sheesh.

(Yeah, that means you, crazy loud direction-giver lady.)

The Gospel of Empire Records.

Nooma: Yes, that's Rob "I'm not your grandpa" Bell. I almost forgot how awesome he is. Mental note: check out his online messages.


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