Thursday, February 12, 2004

UPDATE 3: Another 6 hours later
Move along. Nothing to see here. Labor has stopped. Unless this baby gets movin', they're off to the hospital at 4 (freaking) AM to be induced.

UPDATE 2: 3 hours later
Still nothing, but Manda is considerably less excited about this whole baby thing than she was 8.5 months ago. I don't think I was helping. All of a sudden it dawned on me how scary it is going to be for this child to have Jack as a father. (Not that I think he'll be a bad father, mind you. Just perhaps a little embarrassing.)

Oh, and I didn't hit a deer last night. I just merely saw one. No, I only hit owls.

Jack has picked Manda up from work due to irregular contractions. They're going home and not to the hospital, which may blow my prediction that they get sent home from the hospital three times before she actually has it.


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