Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Things Just Keep Gettin' Better
Qveer Eye for thye Medieval Man... "Thy hovel moste certainly is a pigstye!"

The Tournament of Stuff probably starts soon. I finished my bracket. I predict it will be Ogres, Iditarod, eBay, and Legos in the Final 4, with Legos taking it all.

Pre-Concert Jitters
So we all know I'm going to the John Mayer/Maroon 5 concert this weekend. I'm trying to muster up some excitement, because I know Phebe is excited... but somehow I have a bad feeling about it. I have this sneaking suspicion that the average audience member is going to be 16 years old and female. I also hope that Maroon 5 is decent in concert, because I'd hate to have another Toadies-like letdown.

(If you're going to drive 250 miles through an icestorm to Green-fricking-Bay, one might hope that the band they go to see could pull off a reasonable level of talent displayed on the recording. I don't think that our night was just an off night either, because I believe Jay had a similar experience long before I met him.)

But on that note, the Toadies site has a video for the live version of "Tyler", which is one of my top seven favourite songs of all time.

Big Bang Baby
Tonight Darren's playing for what I understand is an art show of another client of ours. I think I'm going to have to check that out. We went for coffee last night and then went to watch the video from their show a couple weeks ago. He also introduced me to the world of Enon and let me listen to some songs they worked on last week.

Two nights ago I dreamt that I was visiting Tash, and she had a really cool chandelier that she made out of old Coke and Mr. Pibb bottles (not unlike this one of milkbottles). Just sayin...