Friday, February 20, 2004

I've pulled my old laptop out from under the bed recently. Managed to get it defragged after many moons. I've had an interesting time going through and exploring what I have left on there. Some good music. Some great pictures. Some heart-tugging IM logs. My first attempt at NaNoWriMo. I think I could write a great play based on some of the stuff I've found. Yeah, I'll just go and put that at the bottom of my "To Do" list.

Last night I logged on to IRC from that computer to see if any of my old buddies were around. They weren't, but I was sort of surprised by my quit message. Senito aliquos togatos contra me conspirare. What the...? Then I found the meaning at a site for useful latin phrases. Mine roughly translates as "I think some people in togas are plotting against me."

Which reminds me of the one phrase my German-major college roommate taught me... Hilfe! Hilfe! Mein schadel ist gestanzt!... which I believe translates as "Help! Help! My skull is being crushed!", though I'm not entirely sure.

Maybe someone would find this useful: Internet UPC Database. They didn't have what I was looking for, so I graciously added it.

Survivor Magnolia
1. Chapera wins reward.
2. Mogo Mogo loses immunity.
3. Kathy is voted out.
4. Callers are: Susan, Jerri, Shii Ann

Song for the Day:
This song's groove just makes me happy. Another one I had stashed on my old computer.
One Way - The Levellers
~And all the problems of the Earth
Wont be solved by this guitar,
And they wont stop coming either
By the life I've had so far~