Thursday, February 05, 2004

I have an email address from one of my clients' domains which collects a ridiculous amount of junk email. I've been finding lately though, instead of the subjects being about sexual enhancement pills or weightloss supplements, all of a sudden the subjects are just random words thrown together. These are some from today:

▪ badinage cobweb fernando compose entomology
▪ light pea groat jigsaw sign
▪ fluorocarbon alexander ajax rink
▪ hypotenuse (I feel cool for remembering what that is!)
▪ demijohn sheen drippy bellingham
▪ appendix chartres fresco bronze
▪ asparagus cheyenne cuddly
▪ diet kazaa download
▪ coors budweiser blinn hydrochemistry
▪ sandal leap pakistani brisk confiscatory
▪ trillion bisque knotty spheric paycheck

I think Bisque Knotty Sphere would be a cool band name or something. It sort of rolls off the tongue. Either that or Drippy Bellingham.

Here a Showcase, There a Showcase
The guys played last night and wowed the socks off an unsuspecting crowd. Darren told me before time that he was a little nervous... which in turn made me nervous for them. I don't know why. They never cease to amaze me. I literally got chills a couple times.

I kept seeing these poster things at the venue thinking that they looked familiar. This morning I realized it was this image which I saw on this site a while back exploring links from this site. Small world.

Oh, and by the way, if you've ever worried about robots taking over the world, this guy can assure you that they won't.

Billy Corgan reports on his website that he's back in the studio. Interesting.


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