Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Happy Monday to You Too
If anyone is thinking about moving to Cool Springs, please email me first. I will advise you which subdivision not to move into. These people are the Parking Nazis. (This isn't my first run-in with them either.) I received a typo-filled letter ("the streets are to [sic] narrow", among others) taped to my door, without envelope, threatening legal action because my car is parked in my own driveway. (Granted, it presently has a flat tire and isn't going anywhere at the moment... but sheesh.) I'm planning on getting off on the technicality that they used a form letter saying that I was in a visitor parking space or a fire lane... neither of which is true. They'll be getting a certified letter on my office letterhead later this week. :)

Death Becomes Her
A while back Bill noted that a Frenchwoman married her dead boyfriend. That just came to mind after I came across this Afterlife Telegrams site. (Pretty funny concept.)

Oh, Canada... Oh, Canada
Also thanks to Bill for linking to the video that has the Canadians all up in arms. Didn't anyone else see this coming a hundred miles away?

In other News of the Highly Offended, CBS has apologized for Outkast's portrayal of Native Americans at the Grammys. Apologies to the US Equestrian Federation for this wardrobe stunt and a general apology to leprechauns everywhere will be forthcoming.

Subliminal Thoughts
I Say... You Think...
1. Dragon::
2. Molecule:: mole birthday
3. Tire:: s Plus
4. Mighty:: Wind
5. Octane:: high-octane performance fuel
6. Troll:: for compliments
7. Atmosphere:: Mmm... the new demo that came in last week
8. Guide:: Guided by Voices
9. Leash:: cellphone
10. Dustmite:: vacuum


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