Thursday, February 12, 2004

Danielle, Master of the Obvious
So last night as I was driving home, I noticed a doe hanging out on the side of the road. All of a sudden it hit me. Deer must be nocturnal. Quit laughing. I had never thought about it before, okay? Anyway... moving on...

Petra had an appendectomy the night before last. I was kind of disappointed that they didn't let her keep it. The dentist gives you your teeth back, why wouldn't a doctor give you your appendix? I managed to smuggle a frappucino in to her last night.

Awesome. Virtual Lite-Brite. (Okay, so you can't do a whole lot with it, but the nostalgia factor is awesome. If only there was a virtual Merlin.)

Manda put up her hugeness picture. Here's some natural labor inducers. I also heard that taking a warm bath helps. Just try these things at a reasonable hour, please. As excited as I am that you want me to be included in your labor experience, I also don't want to be involved at 4 AM.

I got the emergency room bill. 2 cm scars don't come cheap these days. Oh the wonderful things I could have done with $446. *sigh* Oh well. Swelling is going down. I'm gaining a little more range of motion. (Though I still can't make an "L"... it's more like a sick "V".) Miss RoseAnne said last night that she is going to try to find a cheap hand specialist for me to see just to make sure everything is as it should be. That lady has connections, so we'll see.


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