Sunday, February 29, 2004

Concert got out at 10:45. Back in Nashville by 2:00. Immediate thoughts as follows:

▪ We ended up with great seats in the front row of the balcony immediately stageright, so we could simply look down on the whole works. My only complaint is the retarded highschoolers who for some reason felt compelled to go in and out and up and down and wouldn't just sit and watch the dang show. There was one girl, where I swear, if she had walked past me one more time, I was going to shove her pretty little blonde self over the railing... and I'm a generally passive person, so that should give an indication of how many times she walked past talking on her cellphone.

▪ Maroon 5 thankfully didn't suck. That would have ruined my opinion. Good showmanship from the frontman, though I still wonder if he is aware that he is channeling Jay Kay. (Exhibit A, Exhibit B) And they ended with "Highway to Hell".

▪ John was, I have to admit, pretty amazing. That kid can play. His band was excellent. I wish I had come up with the idea for the drum & keyboard risers. (Once a tech geek, always a tech geek.) T, I wish you could have been there. As much as I enjoyed myself, I know you would have enjoyed it a thousand times more. I thought of you repeatedly and felt guilty every time! :)

Concert Tip #872
The 3-Watt flashbulb on your camera from 50 feet away is not going to illuminate John Mayer any better than the 2500-Watt Super Trouper follow-spot already is. Unless you were going for stunning photos of the backs of people's heads, try not using the flash.

Concert Quotables
John [on women's fashion]:
"Men hate those Ugg boots. It's like reverting back to Clan of the Cavebear."

(And there was much shuffling of feet as hundreds of teeny-bopper girls tried to hide their Uggly boots.)

John [on being a rockstar today]:
"The two worst things about being a rockstar these days... STDs and messageboards."

Song for the Day:
- John Mayer
Phebe was giving me a JM tutorial in the car on the way there. This was one that I gravitated to the most, and I think it was the only one he didn't play. Ahh well.


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