Friday, February 13, 2004

Baby Update 4: Day#2
Leslie just called to say that Manda just got the epidural. Holy cow. We're having a baby!

This is what Cory emailed me this morning about that topic:
Let me know when you find out what pops out of Amanda. I mean, we're really not sure it will be a baby yet, are we? It will probably be about 25 inches long and weigh 5 pounds. 5% body fat.
Gorgeous Pod: unique clothing and other things. I'm particularly fond of the Princess Leia "You're My Only Hope (Yeah, Right)" tee and (Manda will hate this) I love this skirt for some reason. I also think we should get this print for Jay.

Does This Look Infected? She uses the word "chautauqua" in her description for pete's sake. Gotta give some credit for that. She also linked to this fun little game called Throw Rocks at Boys. :)

Special welcome to all the new members of the Rocky Top Brigade.

Idol Eyes
Remember that guy who sang "She Bangs" to audition for American Idol? The "I have no professional training." guy? There are now three fansites for him: and and

Survivor Glen
I'm having a hard time with my predictions this week. I have such a hard time separating who is likely to win/lose/get-booted and who I would like to win/lose/get-booted. But here's my vote:
1. Mogo Mogo wins reward.
2. Chapera loses immunity.
3. Tom gets voted out. Jenna leaves for family reasons.
4. Both Richard and the shark get food.

Feel free to post your predictions over there. We're only on week #2, so there's plenty of time to make up points!

Song for the Day:
Ordinary World
- Duran Duran
~What is happening to me?
Crazy, some'd say
Where is my friend when I need you most?
Gone away~


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