Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Reasons to Use a Spatula instead of a Steak Knife #1
See "Things That Suck #27". (Below)

Things That Suck #27
Stabbing yourself in the hand with a serrated knife, needing a three stitches, and not remembering when your last tetanus shot was. How do I know that sucks? Because it happened to me last night. Grr. But thankfully I didn't lose too much blood... though the trail through the kitchen might lead one to believe otherwise. Spent three hours at the emergency room with the Bossman. (He read Sesame Street books to me to help ease the pain.) Everett, the awesome RN, thanked me as I left, because he said it was nice to have someone with a sense of humor. (Hey, I might be in pain, but I've still got my comedic timing.) I've also got a prescription for narcotics which I'm willing to sell if the price is right. ;) The only thing that concerns me is the lack of feeling in the side of my thumb.

I hope to have no more sucky things to report for a very long time.

And yes, Manda... I blame you. I don't want to hear any I-told-you-so's... because I heard your voice all night!

So yeah. Getting ready this morning sucked too. Any movement or pressure on my thumb causes this most incredible searing pain. You find out how ambidextrous you really are when you cannot use your other hand properly. Putting on deodorant? Yeah, try that with one hand. Getting toothpaste on a toothbrush? Not easy. Opening a freaking bandaid package? My gosh... not fun. And I defy any of you ladies to get a bra on with one hand and the last three fingers of your other hand. That's right. Total suckage.

Yesterday must have been Johnny-Depp Day on USA. They showed both Nick of Time and Blow. Having not seen the latter before, I found it to be pretty intense. Johnny also wrote a nice tribute to George on his website.

Happy (belated?) Birthday to Leslie!


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