Thursday, January 22, 2004

In the Famous Words of Mark...
I feel like shinto.

I've lived with my body for about 27 years now, and I kinda know how it works... so I was sort of predicting this bit of hell I'm experiencing now. See, I get all energized when I've got a certain element of stress in my life -- but once the stress is gone, I get sick for a day or two. Whenever we'd wrap a show... the day after a big test... the time following a big event I've helped plan. Yeah. Usually it's migraines, but today it's sore throat yuckiness.

Last night Sandra sent me home with echinachea, aleve, vitamin c, and throat coat tea.

This morning Karl came into my office to tell me something. I turned around in my chair to see him, and he says, "Eww... you look pastey. You need to go home and go to bed."

Gee.... thanks.

I laughed lots when I read this post at Hatamaran. So true. So true.

Bad spellers of the world -- UNTIE!
Could you win the National Spelling Bee? I got 8/10 correct, and I can't spell worth squat. (via sugarfused)

Happy Birthday to Brandon! Move to Nashville.


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