Friday, January 09, 2004

Hey, everybody loves dancing purple sumo hippos right? (found at the WFV messageboard.) ((and why does this make me think of Jack for some reason?))

Caution: Worlds Colliding
Just found out that Michael, my hockey-watching buddy, is going out on the same tour next month as my buddy Mark, who I don't talk about often because we saw each other more when we lived in different states. Mark and Michael don't know each other. Mark knows a few too many stories from our months stuck in a 15-passenger van together many moons ago. Michael has his own set of stories from the past couple years. I'm not sure how I feel about all this. "Weird" would be a good word right now.

It's a Lip, It's a Lip, It's a Lip, Lip, Lip
I don't love my lips. They are so chapped and ouchie. I've been trying to be conscious of the natural home remedies. I've been lip-balming like crazy and drinking water like nobody's business (which is a big deal for someone who generally doesn't drink much unless it contains some sort of coffee-bean derivative)... but it's not helping. I think we need a humidifier.

I am also making a conscious effort to avoid biting off the drying skin. Not only does that not help, but it pains me to watch other people do it. (Kind of like how I quit chewing gum because I was developing a jaw condition... and how I continue to not chew because I don't like watching other people?)

She Lives
Tash is alive! Back from camp just in time to rest up for Parachute, I presume? :) Not many Americans going this year, I see. If I knew you'd run into Duncan, I'd send something along with him for you.

Song for the Day:
Tea in the Sahara
- The Police
~The sky turned to black
Would he ever come back?
They would climb a high dune
They would pray to the moon
But he'd never return
So the sisters would burn
As their eyes searched the land
With their cups full of sand~


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