Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Happy Birthday, Mark!

Subliminal Thoughts
1. Mitchell::
Chris's son
2. Mercury:: Freddie
3. Cycle:: bicycle
4. Engagement:: Rules of...
5. Alternative:: Medicine
6. Gang:: Kool and the...
7. Emotional:: "Violently Happy"
8. Skinny:: Puppy
9. Hypochondriac:: Manda
10. Insecure:: hmm... me... now and then

Despite the evidence of no apparent plot parallels, whenever I see the trailer for You Got Served, I can't help but think that it is the Karate Kid for the next generation... except less popular.

Last night Phebe and I were at PF Changs for dinner. She was facing the door and says...
P: Is that Brad Paisley?
Me: I don't think I'd know Brad Paisley even if he came up to me and said, "Hi, I'm Brad."
P: He just has a very distinct nose.

Brilliant Blog Quote from Yesterday
"Monday is like the worst cough syrup in the world. You close your eyes and just try not to gag until it's over."
-- Hatamaran

I forgot to mention before that it was great seeing Jay and meeting Pamela on Saturday. Hey, any excuse to go to Demos' is great to me... but the company was exceptional as well.


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