Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Happy Birthday, Joe! I'm glad you married my sister!

Things That Suck #73:
Locking yourself out of the house with your boss's keychain instead of the keychain that has your house key and car key on it. How do I know that sucks? Because it happened to me last night. Grr. I was so mad at myself. However, thankfully it was beautiful outside, so sitting on the porch waiting for Tina & Phebe to get home wasn't too bad. And also thankfully, Duncan's flight was delayed, so I ended up not being late. All's well.

I need to remember to give a housekey to my friends across the street. (Even though they weren't home last night anyway.)

Subliminal Thoughts
I Say... You Think...
Concentration:: the game
Fish:: sticks
Lunacy:: straight jacket
Red:: head
Imply:: suggest
Recognize:: "Reco'nize this!" (Alan Rickman in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves)
Sexist:: pig
Commercial:: ad
Stricken:: grief

Website Design I Wish I Created:
FoxFires.... oooo, so pretty. Par avion!

Get Back, Witch!
I'm sure it has nothing to do with my powers of persuasion/humiliation and/or the Jedi mind tricks... but Steve watched The Princess Bride yesterday. So you all can go back to believing that he is cool now. (Because for those few days, we all know he wasn't.) :P I feel like TPB and Empire Records are pretty much a tie for most references that can easily be worked somewhat unnoticed into conversation for me. (Come on, how many times haven't you felt mostly dead all day?)


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