Friday, December 12, 2003

Happy Birthday to Dan "the man" Lake!!

I just ran across my friend from high school's husband. And what's even better is that he happened to list the International Aviation Phonetic Alphabet, which is great because just yesterday I was wishing I could remember the word for "N". Though I guess I didn't write about it, Nate & I ended up tagging along to their New Year's Eve party last year. However, they've apparently moved to NYC since then. Seems Amanda is getting her masters at NYU (*jealousy*), while Jason is writing a play. Hopefully I can catch up with them when I'm home.

I've been a bit lax in mentioning the cool stuff going on at the places I visit regularly. But don't miss Ice Blue over at BlueDaniel... also check out his great archives in the "Etc" section. Also, make sure you catch A South Glen Christmas over at Magnolia Glen. Oh what fun...

You know some day I'm going to have to make a bunch of straw stars.

Friday Five
1. Do you enjoy the cold weather and snow for the holidays?

I like a little snow. Just for Christmas though.

2. What is your ideal holiday celebration? How, where, with whom would you celebrate to make things perfect?
I just appreciate being home with family.

3. Do you do have any holiday traditions?
We always have the same yummy chicken and rice on Christmas eve. Then we all go sit by the tree to read the Christmas story. Then presents. Then cheesecake and apple cider for dessert. Christmas morning is always about opening my birthday presents by the tree in my pajamas.

4. Do you do anything to help the needy?
I usually pick up some gifts for those places who distribute to families who don't have much.

5. What one gift would you like for yourself?


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