Announcing the arrival of Alan Joel born early this morning. Both he and mom (and dad too) are doing fine. Named after my father and my brother-in-law -- though I think he'll be called AJ before we know it.
Ang had mentioned that name to me and Mom at Thanksgiving, but they had changed their minds so many times that Mom didn't even tell Dad they were thinking along that line. So when she told him this morning, he teared up. So did I, and I knew it was coming. Yay!
Bradley is relieved that it is a boy.
Okay. I'm ready to go home now.
Happy Birthday: Part II
Birthday wishes to Jay! May the year of the 27 be blessed.
My cousin Lisa and her son Joel were rushed to Omaha last night because a liver, a pancreas, and a bowel were available for Joel's transplant. He has had so many surgeries in his 12 years. (One transplant was rejected, another worked... and one time they missed a transplant because bad weather kept them from getting to the hospital in time.) We're so hopeful that this helps fix his little body and so grateful for the technology and the wisdom of doctors... while at the same time, we are aware that another family has suffered a loss to give this chance at normal life to my cousin.
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