Saturday, November 01, 2003

Expensive water...
▪ One liter of Lourdes Water: $115
▪ Holy water from Jordan River: $15

NaNoWriMo started an hour ago, and I have yet to write a word. Of course, I didn't get home until a half an hour ago, but I haven't so much as opened Word yet. I haven't done all kinds of prep work like plot outlines and character development. I don't even know for sure what names I want to use. I'm wingin' it, baby. Somehow this year working on something that is complete fiction, as compared to last year's memoir-esque writing, leaves me feeling more exposed -- now we'll see what this imagination is really capable of.

We watched Down with Love this evening. (This evening being now last evening.) It's unfortunate that it didn't do well in the theatres, because it was incredibly cute. A total throw back to 60's filmmaking with the exaggerated sets and technicolor hues and ultra-mod postures and movements. Sandra and I were drooling over the furniture and clothing. A fun flick with the right attitude.


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