Tuesday, October 21, 2003

What would you do with 25,000 burnt matchsticks? Why not make a guitar? Jack Hall did.

Infiltration: the 'zine about going places you're not supposed to go. (I have a bit of urban explorer in me too... in high school, we made a hobby of getting on top of buildings. Good times.)

Modern Escher? This is weird.

Over at BGLU, they are discussing classic television programs that are missed. That's beautiful. (White girls like you too.)

Spoof Ads.

I want this shirt: /branding

Unconscious Mutterings
I say ... and you think ... ?
1. Country:: Time
2. G:: What up?
3. Offer:: booking agent
4. Connection:: NPR
5. Quest:: King's Quest
6. Lighthouse:: North Carolina
7. Sycamore:: Zaccheus
8. Inhumane:: torture
9. Sneer:: smirk
10.Weapon:: of Choice

Bossman spent last week with his fam on Captiva. They brought back a pretty necklace/earring set for me as thanks for watering their plants and taking in the mail.

Adam is supposedly working out details for a showcase next month in LA. I volunteered to go as the office representative. Bossman said that he was probably going to end up going but that I could go if I wanted. Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to afford plane fare. It would be interesting to see Hutch again.


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