Friday, August 15, 2003

Granted, I haven't seen the film... but I'm still trying to figure out where all this anti-Semitism is supposed to come from with this new Mel Gibson movie, Passion. It's not like this is a new story or anything here, people. Books (like, oh, say the bible, for instance) have been published for centuries saying that Jesus (a Jew himself) was killed by the Jews. Passion is far from the first movie ever to be made suggesting the same. I don't recall anyone getting all up-in-arms about Jesus of Nazareth showing on network television every Easter season.

You're So Female
Or so I was told once... by the same person who could not understand how I hung out with all guys when I wasn't a tomboy nor a slut. Does that explain why I think I might add this place to my regulars? *Primp!*: the place to be girly.

I also want to throw out a link to one of my favourite new shops: rockpaperscissor -- not to be confused with its big city counterpart rockscissorpaper.

Manda is the queen of endorsing products that she believes in (but fear her wrath if she doesn't like your product). I've been able to take a cue from her to start promoting what works for me. "Danielle, your teeth are so white." Why thank you, I use Crest White Strips.

Anyway, today I have to sing the praises of Arbonne's Thermal Fusion Enzyme Masque. I just have a little sample packet, but I've used it the last few nights, and I feel like I've had a facial peel or something. (Though I wouldn't technically know what that feels like, I guess.) You only want to use it at night, because it really does heat up. And because it increases circulation, for me anyway, my whole face turns red. Washing it off feels a little bit like rubbing sunburn, but as a redhead, I'm no stranger to that! I'm addicted to the stuff now. Makes my face feel mm-mm-good.

Song for the Day:
I Wanna Be Adored
- The Stone Roses


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