Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Mild Hypochondria
I knew West Nile Virus was here. I could just feel it. Granted, I don't live in Davidson Co., but I live darn close enough. That's it. Instead of my little Moonlight Path body splash, it's going to be a healthy coating of Deep Woods Off from now on.

Remember Me?
Yesterday communications were rekindled with a friend of mine from college. I think the last email from him was December 1st, 2002... which was a link to a Wall Street Journal article titled If TiVo Thinks You are Gay, Here's How to Set it Straight. We're not masters of correspondence, but it doesn't seem to matter so much. Times change, but we don't seem to. I did get a kick out of the photos he emailed though. Now I'm going to have to look through my boxes.

(That was four years ago when I went back for his graduation. I had to put this here, because those who know me well know that it is virtually impossible for me to take a photograph without tilting my head to one side. And I feel like a total ditz admitting that it is a completely involuntary action at that!)

I Kill Me
An IM conversation with my friend who just got a job as a youth pastor...
Gnate: well i'll check in later. the big man is in...
Danielle: God?
Gnate: not that big

Song for the Day:
- Martina Topley-Bird

Hans just turned me on to her, and I think I dig it (a lot)
~I don't want anything (but you)
I don't need anything (but you)~


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