Monday, August 11, 2003

I am Flannel PJs
You’re the all-American girl, 100% made in the USA! White shorts, black skirts, khaki pants, you’ve got it made! You brake for animals and bake muffins for your church fundraiser. You ran for Student Body President and even though the head cheerleader won, you congratulated her with sincerity and kindness. Watch out for men who want to take advantage of your kindness and loyalty, though. They’ll use you and toss you away.

(I don't own khaki pants, thank you very much.)

What kind of pajamas are you?

That came from the Velamints site, of all places. And how smooth of a site that is. I'm considering buying the Chocolate Mint ones in bulk after Allison whetted my tastebuds for them last weekend.

Lost and Found
Did I mention the frustration I was experiencing because of my lost copy of The Princess Bride (the book)? So I'm in this little book club of sorts. (I feel like it's more Accountability Reading with Mild Discussion... as opposed to the ominously sounding Book Club.) Anyway, we just got finished reading The Gunslinger. Next up was The Princess Bride, which was one of my submissions, because I had been wanting an excuse to read it again. However, I couldn't find my stinking copy. And it wasn't so much just that one book that was freaking me out... but it was because I wasn't coming across the box with all of my hardcover classics... including a beautiful leatherbound edition of Little Women. I was terrified that this box had somehow not made it to my garage in the move however long ago.

But I found it. Buried beneath a tower of other boxes. The one on the very bottom. Yellow. Marked "la biblioteca".

Do yourself a favor and read it too. It's like the movie... only better! :)

I'm Getting a Moped
I hate cars. I shouldn't be allowed to have one. After today I decided that either (1) I am going to take the trolley everywhere or (2) I'm just going to buy a moped. In all the time that I had a moped way back in the day, I don't ever remember it breaking down. Never had flat tires. Mine was even this awesome teal color. It was rad. Washing it involved hooking up the garden hose for two minutes. It took all of about 65-cents to fill it up with gas. I mean, yeah... mopeds rock.


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