Saturday, August 23, 2003

Friday Five
1. When was the last time you laughed?

Reading Steve's remedy for staying cool while outside. (Right below the "HMMMBLAUGHHHH".)

2. Who was the last person you had an argument with?
In the words of Flea from RHCP... "I am a pacifist." I honestly cannot remember.

3. Who was the last person you emailed?
my boss

4. When was the last time you bathed?
about three hours ago

5. What was the last thing you ate?
Waffles with powdered sugar and honeydew. (Can you tell I didn't sleep at home last night?)

Yeah, I actually slept at the bossman's house. He had an early flight this morning, so I was asked if I would help in one of two ways: (1) Peel myself out of bed to get him to the airport by 5:00, or (2) camp out in their guest room so his wife could take him without having to wake up all four girls (ages 6, 4, 2, & 10 months) to go along. Yeah... I'll take Door #2, Monty.

When I got there last night, the oldest read us all bedtime stories, and then they all wanted to see what I took along to wear today. (And wouldn't you know, they all came downstairs dressed like me this morning! Apparently they pretend they are Miss Danielle quite often. Precious.)

Good/Bad News
It was a shark. Great white even. I guess it's good to know that it wasn't Nessie or something.

Frustrated Network Administrator Quote for the Day:
"There is a special section of hell reserved for the guys that write these things."
--Jeffrey Schiller... regarding his hopes for the people who write computer viruses.

(And by the way, I broke 200 with those virus emails this morning.)

Totally Rad
Since Bill pointed this out earlier, I've been meaning to direct people to this site with the coolest computer workstation ever. I recognize that I am a total geek, and I'm really okay with that. I just wish I was cool enough to make one of those. Of course, being in Nashville, I probably should get a guitar pc.

For being such a computer junkie -- it might be strange that I'd give just about anything for a good old fashioned calendar/agenda thingie made of paper. I'm just not down with the whole palm pilot rage. But suddenly I've got all these "plans" that I'm afraid of overbooking for once. (And being the impromptu-type of person that I am, this is stressing me out a little bit.) Concert here. Susanna's going away party there. Indianapolis Weekend of Joy and Wonderment. More concert. Practices for this drama thing I'm in for the 4th grade Sunday School class. Work day with RoseAnne. I'm a busy woman all of a sudden. I'm going to have to start booking two months in advance.

Anyway... bossman is gone. So the ladies from another office I work with are taking me out to lunch. Not sure if we'll come back. :)


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