Sunday, August 24, 2003 is often crass and irreverant... but I find that often I only dare to think what they dare to say out loud. This diatribe is a particular gem: "congress woman tries to get tropical storms renamed with black sounding names". And if you've got the time, there is also "mars will not kill you" and "doctor arrested for selling mental patients as wives" and don't forget "power from blood could lead to 'human batteries'" where he manages to reference anime, Transformers, the Matrix, Quantum Leap, and Johnny Mnemonic all in one article about Japanese scientists.

Crafty Screenwriting is the blog of writer Alex Epstein. It's kind of interesting to see what he goes through to make his scripts and storylines tell the his tale.

So one of our clients is endorsed by Oakley. They all have cool watches and always have a different pair of sunglasses every time I see them. This week their manager came in with a box for the bossman... a pair of sunglasses. I jokingly made a big deal about how he never brings me anything... to which he responded that I don't wear sunglasses. I know... but my watch has been broken for a couple years now. To add insult to injury, today in the mail I got an oakley flyer from the local Parisian store. I've been to the mall maybe twice in the past year, and I never shop at Parisian, so how I got on their mailing list, I'll never know.

I have such a bad headache... I think I might go back to bed. :/


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