Saturday, July 12, 2003

What rating is your journal?

Little.Red.Boat: I come across this site every now and then, and it tends to make me smile. I don't think I have linked to it before though. I just thought this post about how to know if you are in love was especially cute.

Nate told me about this one... watch this strongbad email, and after it is over, wait a while for a brilliant ending. Much laughter ensued.

Yesterday I learned about the importance of guaranteed release clauses. I heard and liked an album that one of our clients just recorded that might not be released. It's quite unfortunate. It's crazy to watch these big labels try to strong-arm these kids who are just chasing their dreams.

This morning I also asked Karl if he knew of any female producers. I didn't even need a name... just wanted to know if there was one. He couldn't say for sure, but he said it is definitely a male-dominated field. I think I might ask someone if I can do an apprenticeship under him in my spare time -- what spare time? Hmm. Well, when Karl finishes the studio at his house, he said I can engineer projects over there. Now I just need to find a band who wants to record.

Friday Five
1. Do you remember your first best friend? Who was it?
I think it was probably Lisa. Our mothers were (and still are, I guess) good friends. I was devastated when they moved to Virginia when I was about 8 or 9.

2. Are you still in touch with this person?
We've been out of contact for about a year for no real good reason. I still know what is happening in her life through my mom... but I really need to make an effort. I was in her wedding. Now she is having a baby. I must write.

3. Do you have a current close friend?
Not close in proximity, but close at heart, yes. I have a couple. :)

4. How did you become friends with this person?
Well, with Manda, we met, liked each other, hated each other, and reconciled all before I'd say we became friends. And, for the record, I never hated her... I just thought she was being a whiny wench (and she admits her attitude wasn't the best at that time). And I don't think she really hated me, but she just thought I didn't like her. (she was right.) I'm not sure when the breakthrough happened... sometime after I moved to Indy. We found out that we had fun together... when I made her have fun. (Wait, she was the one standing on the table and singing in the restaurant on St. Patrick's Day.)

With Tash, it was all about a band, wasn't it? :) Then it didn't hurt that she was the Down Under promoter, and I was putting together their travel itinerary. I think the rest, as they say, is history.

5. Is there a friend from your past that you wish you were still in contact with? Why?
Hmm... there was one person who made my life exciting when there wasn't much else going on. This person helped make me a better person. I am wiser, because my eyes were opened. I am more well-rounded, because my ears were opened. I am smarter, because my mind was opened. I am more caring and patient, because my heart was opened. I believe that some people are around only for a season, for that is all that is required. Lives go on, but that is just as it should be.

Song for the Day:
Little Girl Blue
- Nina Simone
~No use old girl
You might as well surrender
'Cause your hopes are getting slender and slender
Why won't somebody send a tender blue boy
To cheer up little girl blue~

Trip Highlights: Day 4 (Sunday)
▪ Church with the fam -- caught up with people afterwards.
▪ Lunch at Grandmas. My last time in that house, as she will have moved by the time I get home next. :(
▪ Over to Sis's house for haircut and low-lights.
▪ Hung the decorations I made for my mom's kitchen since she is afraid to put holes in walls.
▪ Naten over after supper for Invader Zim and Tony Hawk 4.


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