Monday, July 21, 2003

Oh Mother!
I am exhausted!

I don't know how moms do it!

I think I have finally gotten to a point where the idea of having children of my own someday doesn't scare me to death. And I think my only assurance right now is that most people don't get more than one at a time, so you learn to adapt as more come along.

Tonight, in the grip of some momentary insanity, I asked my three favourite youngsters to go with me to see this children's concert in Nashville. Ages 3, 6, & 9... they were so dear. But man! I am absolutely worn out now. Between keeping them all corralled and constantly asking the three-year-old if he "needed to pee-pee" and trying to be the chill babysitter, not the freaking-out-madwoman... I am ready for bed now.


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