Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Home Again, Home Again
Jiggity Jig.

Wow. Five days. I don't even know where to begin.

The biggest news? On Thursday we found out that my sister is four months pregnant. She went to the doctor due to abdominal pain, had an ultrasound, and (hello!) there was a baby. She's due on my birthday. Whee! So many children to love on.

Keep Your Arms and Legs Inside the Ride at All Times
I decided I need to write a book. (For NaNoWriMo, perhaps?) It will be called On the Tarmac: Airport Stories from a Captive Audience. I have so many great airplane stories that deserve to be heard. Though nothing can really top the story of the woman on the verge of death, I did have a little excitement this trip. The decent into Minneapolis was more like a freefall. On the ride to Omaha, I sat next to Jason, that's San-Antonio-hatin', Nebraska-lovin', nicotine-addicted, one-time-Billy-Graham-crusade-attendee, construction-workin' Jason. (And that's just the tip of that iceburg.) Tonight I nearly missed my connection in Memphis because our plane was late leaving Omaha. I booked it from gate A5 to B32 in five minutes flat... kind of impressive considering the two-inch flip-flops and the luggage I was toting. Mmm... good times.

Now sleep beckons.


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