Thursday, June 19, 2003

Wait a second... who is "nobody you remember"? Drive me crazy, will ya?

(And if anybody else, *ahem Tash*, has not picked a flower on my Guestmap, why don't you go ahead and do that today?)

Fate, It Seems, is Not Without a Sense of Irony
9|11 Survivor Dies of SARS

Okay, my first thought was the obvious one... dang, that sucks. Move to Hong Kong to start a new life, and -- whoop -- there goes the day.

But see, this is where my lack of sensitivity comes in. When I read the headline, I had envisioned this man scrambling down stairs and out the doors ... fleeing from wreckage and debris. One of those people you saw on television covered in grey dust with streaks of natural skintone only where tears had left their trails.

No, the guy didn't even make it there. He missed his train. He didn't even work there every day. He was just meant to go there for a meeting.

I don't know. I'm sure the guy and his wife and probably everyone he knew were grateful that things happened the way the did in order to prevent his being there. But to say he "escap[ed] death" seems a bit of a stretch to me.

But that's me.

Hi. I am so looking forward to that movie, and not just because he is beautiful. Anybody who doesn't want to see it probably didn't like Goonies.

Creative Use for Blogger Award:
Today it goes to Johnny Rays Grill who uses it to post their daily special.

Bruce + Holly
The little 2-screan theatre downtown must have a letter shortage, because on their marquee, it reads:


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