Friday, June 20, 2003

1. A student or a recent graduate undergoing supervised practical training
(See lackey, peon)

I determined today, as I stare at this massive mess on my desk, that I need an intern. I don't think I'll ever get to get one, but the idea is a nice one. With two (maybe three) colleges in town offering Music Business as a major, there have got to be plenty of kids who still think that working in the industry would be "cool" whether they get paid $2 an hour or not.

Lucky Duck
Last night Tina announced that she is going to Australia with Chanel's family. (I knew they were going to ask her, because I talked to Sharon a couple weekends ago...) So yeah, I am super excited for her, because how awesome would that be to have someone pay for your ticket overseas... but at the same time, I might be an eensy-weensy bit jealous.

Good Ol' Rocky Top
Tailgate party over at Barry's.

I'm Not Idiot
Pixel in Motion... not quite Pixar, but the characters are kind of cute. I liked watching the animations and trying to figure out where the audio is from. (South Park, The Lion King, As Good As It Gets... and is the 3rd one on the top row from Time Bandits?) The one with the light saber is kind of funny too.

Impossible Songs to find online:
"Live & Learn" by Joe Public and anything by Ozark Mountain Daredevils... not even "Jackie Blue"... but what I really want is "Chicken Train" or that Colorado song.


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