Monday, June 02, 2003

Happy Birthday (yesterday), Naten Doten! You're like my brother, even though I already have one. You have so much in common with him, after all. You both play Tony Hawk with a passion. You both used to torture my Barbies. And I think I've known you both forever. Don't move before Independence Day, because I'm looking forward to coffee.

And you thought I had good links... -- now he has good links.

42 Wallaby Way
Finding Nemo was really sweet. Surprisingly long for a children's flick. Of course the little fishies had to be aussie. The animation was really incredible, which I was expecting it to be... but it still was breathtaking. I loved Nemo's gimpy fin. (Big thanks to Jesse for getting me in the "stage door".)

Last night I went on the "Ghosts and Gore" walking tour of Franklin. It was pretty interesting, though nothing incredibly shocking was learned. Heard about a few of the "haunted houses" down there. I just kinda like history, so it was fun for me to hear about the old buildings.

Umm, I'm Getting Raped and Pillaged Over Here...
Now I must go practice Age of Myth. Hans and I played online the other night until 4:30 am. The first game it was us vs. the computer. But the second game... well, I don't know what happened. Either it was me against him and the computer or there were three teams... but wow, I lost huge! At one point I was down to one villager and a town center in flames. I did make a mini-comeback before they completely annihilated me. Good times. :)

Song for the Day:
When Doves Cry
- Prince
~You've got the butterflies all tied up
Don't make me chase you
Even doves have pride~
I was thinking about this song on Friday, and then I heard it on the radio yesterday... right after they played "Jenny (867-5309)"! What a coincidence!


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