Friday, June 13, 2003

Great Blog Title for the Day:
My Boss May Have Tourrettes: tales of working life

In a postscript to my Beckham post, I came across this:
English superstars Victoria Beckham, a.k.a. Posh Spice, and soccer star hubby David Beckham desperately want America to love them. So far, the country has collectively yawned. It doesn't help that in every photo the paper-thin Posh has a big ol' sour puss face.
My thoughs exactly. They also second my thoughts on Hugh Jackman and Mariah Carey.

Obscure Reference
Normally Radio Paradise provides my listening pleasure when I venture away from stuff I already own. However, today I discovered Pure Obscure Radio. Some of it makes me want to jab things in my ears, but they played Kraftwerk.

More Sadness
Nate just told me that our friends' dad died a couple weeks ago. What's worse is that Jon and Anna were friends from high school days back in Iowa... but their parents and Anna had moved to Murfreesboro a year or two ago, and I have yet to even hook up with them. I hate when friends' parents die, because it seems to bring my own parents' mortality into perspective. You were the coolest, Ed.

Song for the Day:
First Lullaby
- Gooding


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