Saturday, June 07, 2003

Dutch Artist Photographer, Astrid van Loo takes 101 Photographs of people from her hometown from the ages 0-100 and makes them into banners hung over the city. I think it is cute that all but two of the gentlemen over the age of 65 wear ties.

She is also involved with the Time Tales project which is a showcase of old photographs found in people's attics or at flea markets or whever one finds old photos.

When I was living alone in the ghetto, my colleagues insisted that I purchase pepper spray. (I think that was after I told the story of the crazy lady across the street who was yelling about killing all the white people.) Though it isn't stab-proof or bullet-proof, I think this No Contact Jacket (for Women) would have been cooler. When armed, you can trigger an electric current that will surprise and stun any attacker enough to quite possibly make an escape.

For my job, I babysit two messageboards that belong to two of our clients. The one is largely frequented by teenie-boppers and a few of us who actually have a clue. Most topics hover around the entertainment that is popular right now or how cute people are. On the other, the majority of the users, I suspect, are at least 10-15 years older than me, and conversations tend to be more of the theological, philosophical, and child-rearing nature. I barely even pay attention to that one, because they really take care of themselves over there as far as answering questions and such. But yesterday, for the first time ever, I had to send an email to someone because their actions on the site were inappropriate. Someone from the latter board. It was weird. Father of two -- and poor kids, their dad is freaking obnoxious. -- this person is doing an inventory of his home... online.

Friday Five
1. How many times have you truly been in love?

That's debatable.

2. What was/is so great about the person you love(d) the most?
In the words of a friend, "It's easy to love people who love you, isn't it?"

3. What qualities should a significant other have?
I've got my whole "pre-king david" criteria developed six or seven years ago, I think.

4. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
I think I may have, but it was an accident.

5. If there was one thing you could teach people about love, what would it be?
Some people think that their love is clearly expressed through their actions, but I have learned that there is nothing more important than actually telling the people you love that you love them. Be they family, friends or significant others. I never want to live with the regret of not having told someone.

Song for the Day
Say the Words (Now)
- dc Talk
~Say the words
Say the words
Say I love you~
Gotta love Matt's remix.


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