Sunday, May 04, 2003

Sometimes I Want to Throw Things
Man... grr. So I waited until the following Friday to deposit a rather sizable check, per the payers request in order that she might deposit paychecks before then... only to have the check returned today, not due to insufficient funds, but because the account was closed. Something is definitely amiss.

Brighter Note
Karl's living room is now caramel coloured. Looks incredible with their new brick-red leather couch. Andrew, Karl and I painted until midnight last night, and I went back to help with the second coat this afternoon. We rule.

Gosh, I think this site is beautiful. The font. The color-scheme. The simplicity. Nice.

*sniff* I remember being at their house when Phil talked about finishing that email. Odd that they didn't publish it until six months later. (Tash, do they sell american publications like that down there? I'm wondering if I should buy up a few copies here to send them.) Apartment The Earth. I want a room!

Okay, I am a Christian, and even I think this is lame. add your name to the virtual book of life. I just don't know what else to say about that.


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