Thursday, May 15, 2003

Only one episode of 24 left? They have an awful lot to clear up next week. But I loved the Lincoln-monument-esque pose by David Palmer at the very end.

The New Color of Money... the treasury department's platform to tell all about the new currency design. I don't know if "ugly" is quite the word that I would use... but it is the only one that comes to mind at the moment. (via The Minor Fall, The Major Lift via Paul)

My favourite part is the Interactive Bill which allows you to discover all the newfangled features. (Though I feel the need to add that the security features are pretty much exactly what we have right now... but nice of them to include that as well.)

Under the "Color" feature, they say, "Different background colors will be used for the different denominations. This will help everyone to tell the denominations apart." That's great for the people who can't read numbers. How ever did we survive with plain old green money for so long? (However, if they insist on doing this, may I suggest that they at least use the colors corresponding with the same denomination in Monopoly money?)

Music Emissions and Personal Emissions. Another someone who thinks about music.

Song for the Day:
A Lesson Learnt
- Saso
I am so in love with this song right now, and I cannot pinpoint why. Does it remind me of something? Someone, perhaps? Or maybe just some time.


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